Is the Odroid Go Super worth all that HYPE???? ----- Yes....
Odroid (Hardkernel) does it again -
but this time, not in a kit!
So, like last year - Odroid’s RKchip technology took off and they created the Odroid Go Advance and then the later Odroid Go Advance BE (black edition) which offers wifi connectivity as the previous model lacks.
They just released this new handheld (that I am still working on images for this unit) called the Odroid Go Super.
This still has the RKChip as the OGA and OGA-BE has but it uses different codex and drivers than the two later models. It offers a high resolution 5” screen and is about the size of a Switch Light.
The cost for this unit is $80 plus shipping and tax so the total shouldn’t be more than $120 total.
Downsides at this time is the lack of compatible firmwares. The OGA has been around long enough that there are several dozens of available firmwares that allow you to play all various systems including cps3, dreamcast, n64, pep and even the Nintendo DS (drastic). At this time of writing, I haven’t reviewed my unit yet as I am still going back and forth on which firmwares at this time fits my needs as not all available firmwares at this time is 100% fool proof and does have tons of bugs on each one. Including RA (retro Arena) Emuelec, Android and my stock image Ubunto 18.04 that waveshare uses and shares on their website.
My first impressions with this device is that is of it’s build quality. It’s solid like what a switch feels like. It doesn’t feel cheap as many complained with the OGA as it was sold as a kit. Now, the Super is already assembled and ready to play.
but ——before you go out and order one now, note that you will need to have some knowledge about adding and flashing different firmwares, going through some trial and error to get games to work etc. Just be warned, there is a learning curve with device at this time but I feel confident by summer that images will be more developed and will be more suitable for those who just wants to buy and play with no fuss.
Odroid Go Advance BE - pictured here with Gameboy Pocket buttons and Custom Painted Shell / 2021